20. Jacobian Matrix Part 2

Here's the solution for the quiz followed by a code editor where you'll be able to play with the solution.

Jacobian Matrix

Start Quiz:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Dense"

using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

MatrixXd CalculateJacobian(const VectorXd& x_state);

int main() {
   * Compute the Jacobian Matrix

  // predicted state example
  // px = 1, py = 2, vx = 0.2, vy = 0.4
  VectorXd x_predicted(4);
  x_predicted << 1, 2, 0.2, 0.4;

  MatrixXd Hj = CalculateJacobian(x_predicted);

  cout << "Hj:" << endl << Hj << endl;

  return 0;

MatrixXd CalculateJacobian(const VectorXd& x_state) {

  MatrixXd Hj(3,4);
  // recover state parameters
  float px = x_state(0);
  float py = x_state(1);
  float vx = x_state(2);
  float vy = x_state(3);

  // pre-compute a set of terms to avoid repeated calculation
  float c1 = px*px+py*py;
  float c2 = sqrt(c1);
  float c3 = (c1*c2);

  // check division by zero
  if (fabs(c1) < 0.0001) {
    cout << "CalculateJacobian () - Error - Division by Zero" << endl;
    return Hj;

  // compute the Jacobian matrix
  Hj << (px/c2), (py/c2), 0, 0,
      -(py/c1), (px/c1), 0, 0,
      py*(vx*py - vy*px)/c3, px*(px*vy - py*vx)/c3, px/c2, py/c2;

  return Hj;